Thursday, August 23, 2012


I am set to begin residency full-time at Woodlands Point in September. Exciting times! I truly feel like God has placed me in this community to be refined before being sent out as a church planter. My leadership and experience will be utilized in children's ministry, shepherding & training community group leaders, and launching a community group ourselves (aka small group). There will also be formal classroom training involving required readings, listeningassignments, papers, and assessments. Lot's coming up! 

Fear, anxiety, doubt, and more have crept in as Satan has seemingly whispered in our ear, "You can't do this." The enemy certainly knows us and knows our plans to further the Good News of Jesus Christ and is trying to wedge and distort these plans. John 10:10 - "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." We are being made more aware of the the first part of that verse for sure but HOLDING STRONG to the latter.

This is where prayer is EXTREMELY needed from our extended family in Christ! We need you prayer warriors! 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

I launched this prayer and financial support campaign a couple weeks ago. It has all happened so fast! Joni and I are seriously hitting our knees! This is a shotgun start where most people might have a few months or more but we are working on a tight time frame.

As of Aug 23, 2012, based on next 3 months, our giving report is (8% RAISED SUPPORT / 92% NEEDED SUPPORT). We need to raise the first 3 months of salary before we even receive a check to go toward living expenses. If you would please prayerfully consider financially partnering with us as missionaries to this city as a monthly or one time donor, Click-->HERE

We covet your prayers, we can't do any of this without your support.


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